In our 3-part holiday party planning series, we dive into 3 really quick tips to aide in the initial planning stages of your holiday party. Have you been tasked with planning the company’s holiday party, client appreciation or sales team outing? Not yet…well it’s coming! And every year, the first week of December rolls around […]
What is it: A first look is designed for you and your honey to get a glimpse of each other and share all the warm and fuzzies BEFORE your ceremony and walking down the aisle. You share a private moment as a couple prior to your guests seeing you. You can use this time to […]
So you’re recently engaged! Now your DMs + comments section on Instagram are flooding with “Congrats” from college friends, cousins, even your best friend from kindergarten. Next thing you know, folks are asking how they can help you prep for your big day and you’re suddenly SO overwhelmed. We get it, the pressure is on […]
2018 was a trend filled year, with over the top and out of the ordinary events for life celebrations. While “Gender Reveals” may have flooded your timelines in 2018, the idea of the antiquated “pink” and “blue” baby celebrations need to make room for a new contender. The increase in Gender Neutral baby showers will […]